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The Ten Top Neurodivergence Books

The Ten Top Neurodivergence Books


Each of us is the hero of our own story. But if your hero isn't a straight white man, it can be hard to find books that reflect your experiences in the real world. These ten books are written by people who have experienced neurodivergence and learned how to navigate life with it—and they're all excellent reads. I've tried them all myself and found each one incredibly helpful!

1. 'Neurotribes' by Steve Silberman

This book is the ultimate read if you're interested in learning about autism, which is a spectrum disorder that affects people in different ways. In this book, Silberman gives an overview of how autism has been perceived over time. He also tells readers some stories about individuals who have been diagnosed with the disorder and their experiences with it.

It's apparent from reading this book that Silberman believes that people with autism aren't "abnormal" or "weird," but rather they simply experience things differently than other people do. The author explains that there have been many misconceptions about what causes autism and how best to help those who suffer from it. For example, some people think that vaccines cause children to develop symptoms of the disorder (they don't), while other experts believe there are specific treatments that can help reduce symptoms among those who have been diagnosed (there aren't any).

2. 'In the Key of Genius' by Albert Rotstein

In the Key of Genius is a collection of stories about people with extraordinary minds. The author, Albert Rotstein, is a neuroscientist who spent years studying brain diseases and disorders. In this book he shares his personal experiences with some of the most fascinating individuals he met over his career—for example, a man who was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome but went on to become an opera star or another man who became an expert at solving crossword puzzles by reading the New York Times every day.

Rotstein is careful to note that these are not medical case studies (although they may help doctors understand certain conditions better), but rather stories about real people who have lived through challenging situations due to their unique abilities. It’s not just one person's story either; there are many different examples across all areas of life: academics, sportspeople and artists alike have been able to use their talents—at times against obstacles—to find success in their chosen field or area of interest."

3. 'A Field Guide to Earthlings' by Ian Macrae and Tara McGillicuddy

  • A Field Guide to Earthlings is a great resource that can be used by anyone who wants to understand people with autism better. The book includes information on the challenges of dating, relationships and friendships. It also includes a number of case studies, as well as a list of questions you can ask when getting to know someone new.
  • This book is ideal for parents who have children with autism or Asperger's Syndrome (AS). It provides practical advice on how to help your child through some of the more challenging aspects of growing up in today's society.

4. 'The ADHD Effect on Marriage' by Melissa Orlov

The ADHD Effect on Marriage is an excellent resource for anyone who has ADHD and is married to someone without it, as well as their spouses. Orlov writes in a friendly, approachable tone that makes her advice easy to understand and implement. The book covers not only how ADHD affects the lives of adults with the condition but also how it impacts their partners:

  • How partners can help each other manage day-to-day tasks
  • The challenges faced by spouses when trying to keep household routines organised
  • Ways for couples struggling with communication issues

5. 'Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety' by Christopher Willard

You might be wondering why a book about mindfulness and meditation would be on this list. Well, as a therapist who has worked with teens for the last ten years, I can tell you that when my clients are struggling with anxiety or depression, the first thing we do is work on their ability to manage their emotions and thoughts in a healthy way. And one of the best ways to do that is with daily mindfulness practices like meditation or mindfulness yoga.

This book is written by Christopher Willard, PhD., a psychologist who has spent many years working with teens and young people. He has also been trained in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which means he's got an impressive academic background behind him when it comes to helping others deal with anxiety issues through mindfulness techniques. In this book he shares his expertise in an easy-to-read guidebook format that teens can pick up on their own free time—perfect for those who struggle finding time outside of schoolwork!

6. 'Awakenings from the Light' by Shakuntala Modi

Shakuntala Modi's book, Awakenings from the Light: A Personal Story of Near-Death Experience and Life After Death, is an excellent novel about a woman who has a near-death experience (NDE). In it, she describes her experience with clarity and detail. She also tells readers how to be able to recall their own NDEs clearly when they happen.

The main character spent two weeks in a coma following an accident; during this time she had an NDE where she went through what many call "the tunnel," which is one of the most common experiences associated with NDEs. She shared that everyone around her was dead except for herself; yet later when she came back to life on earth there were some who died while others lived on.

7. 'Stepping Stones to Success' by Charlotte and Yves Lhermitte

The book is a collection of stories of people with autism. It's written by a parent (Charlotte), a psychologist (Yves) and an autistic person (Jean Marc).

The book is divided into three parts: the first part looks at how to recognize the symptoms of autism; the second part looks at how to treat children with autism; and the third part looks at how to help children live independently as adults.

8. 'Autism in Heaven, An Autistic's Perspective on Spiritual Well-Being' by Marjolein Derksen

Autism in Heaven is an autobiography about Marjolein Derksen, a woman with autism who has written a book about her experiences growing up and living with autism.

It is a book that is both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. While it's not particularly easy to read, it does provide an inside look into how someone with such high functioning autism deals with the world around them.

9. 'Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder' by Sarah Hendrickx and Uta Frith

Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding the Differences, Helping Each Other Comprehend is a must-read for anyone who works or studies with women or girls. As most people know, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is much more common among boys than girls—and it’s not clear why this is the case. In this book, Sarah Hendrickx and Uta Frith discuss how their research has led them to believe that women actually experience ASD differently from men. They also share stories of people who have experienced ASD—both female and male—and explain how these differences affect relationships between families, schools, workplaces and communities. It's a great resource for anyone who wants to better understand ASD from both a personal and professional perspective."

10. Anything published by Jessica Kingsley Publishing

Jessica Kingsley Publishing is a leading publisher of books on disability and neurodiversity. They have published more than 600 books in the last 30 years, including many with an autism focus. Their books cover topics such as Asperger's syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia and other neurodivergence.

Jessica Kingsley Publishing also publishes the journal Thinking Skills and Creativity which provides articles written by experts in their field covering topics related to learning difficulties or differences.

Reading about neurodivergence can help you understand yourself better and develop strategies for coping with the world around you.

So, you're not neurotypical. Maybe it's been a while since you were diagnosed, maybe it's still fresh. Either way, reading about neurodivergence can be an incredibly helpful resource for understanding yourself better and developing strategies for coping with the world around you.

Neurodiversity is an umbrella term that encompasses all forms of human brains, including those who are autistic or have ADHD or an anxiety disorder or any other disability that isn't considered "normal" by society's standards. Both books on this list (and many others) talk about how people who identify as neurodivergent feel misunderstood by society at large—even within their own families and friends circles—and how hard it is to feel like your needs are being met when people don't understand what you're going through every day of your life. Reading about other people's experiences with similar struggles can help you realise there are good days and bad days; sometimes life feels like one long struggle just to get through each day without letting our own feelings get in the way too much!


If you're looking for an introduction, start with Silberman's Neurotribes and Modi's Awakenings from the Light. If you want to learn more about ASD specifically or autism in heaven, check out Derksen's Autistic's Perspective on Spiritual Well-Being or Hendrickx and Frith's Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder. And if you want some funny stories about growing up with ADHD (and coping with it), then Orlov's The ADHD Effect on Marriage is for you!

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